Spring Home and Garden Updates - A MUST read!

Want the inside scoop on this year's hottest interior decor trends and garden updates? Just take a peek below and pick your favorite

Romantic - Think an escape to a modern day fairy tale. 

Batik - A little eclectic, but so fun and original! Influenced by rich textures and vibrant colors this theme practically guarantees your room will stand out!

Dazzling Blue - Spring's quintessential color choice :) In a word, think the "SEA." 

Metallic - Take a chance and go for shimmering elegance with a contemporary twist.   

 Now onto the garden! Follow some of the tips below and instantly spruce up the way your yard, garden and the exterior of your home looks.

The front porch is basically the "first-impression" of your home. However, too often it easily becomes one of the most neglected areas of the home. One easy way to give your porch a fresh look is to paint your front door and the window trim that frames and provides a backdrop for your porch. A little elbow grease and a single afternoon spent prepping and painting can make a big difference in the way your porch looks and the quality of the time you spend there.

Add a porch swing for hard-to-beat outdoor ambiance. What could be sweeter than rocking gently in your porch swing on a summer evening and watching the life on your street: kids playing tag or riding their bikes; neighbors watering their lawns or chatting on the corner; and everyone wishing they had a porch swing like yours? 

Invest in a couple of Adirondack chairs for your porch to make it a great place to relax. Choose a couple of these classic chairs in teak, cedar or recycled plastic for maximum durability and easy maintenance.

 Nothing makes a porch feel more welcoming and appealing as an array of beautiful flowers. Add hanging baskets, pots of flowers on the steps, or flower boxes on the porch rails to transform your porch into a fragrant and colorful oasis.

Use wind chimes to create a special atmosphere on your porch and to help disguise neighborhood buzz and traffic noise. Wind chimes come in many different designs and sizes, and offer musical tones ranging from the gentle tinkling of spring rain to the deep-throated notes of a Chinese gong. And quite frankly, let's just be honest, how can you not love wind chimes? They seem to instantly put everyone in a better mood :) 

Now get out there and put your ideas into action! Best of luck and Happy Spring :)


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