Eight Traveling Tips You Need To Know
Keep Your Place Safe While You're Away
With the holidays fast approaching, many of us are planning a trip away. Whether lying on a beach in some exotic land or visiting grandma, the last thing we want to worry about is coming back to a ransacked home. Here are a few simple tips to keep in mind.
1. Check the LocksA few weeks before you leave, inspect the locks on all of your windows and doors. Make sure deadbolts slide into place, window locks aren’t easy to pry open, and sliding glass doors have a security bar in place.
2. Stop Your MailAs soon as you know when you’ll be traveling, fill out the United States Postal Service’s online form to stop your mail. Even if you live in a secure neighborhood, a thief might spot your overflowing mailbox and take it as a surefire sign you’re away from home.
3. Don’t Stand OutWhile closing your curtains may seem like the obvious choice, it can backfire. A burglar casing your house might notice the change and realize you’re away from home. Instead, leave a curtain or two open like you normally would—and move your stuff out of view. And if you’re traveling during the holidays, don’t leave presents under the tree in plain sight. Ask a neighbor to pick up any packages left at your door.
4. Make It Look Like You’re HomeAffordable automatic timers can make it seem like someone is home while you’re away. Add timers to lamps in different rooms and stagger the on/off times.
Hooking timers up to a television or radio can also make it seem like someone’s home.
5. Keep Your Neighbors in the LoopLet your landlord or neighbors know your travel plans, including your departure and arrival times. A landlord or neighbors should be happy to come by and scope out the place while you’re away, which will go a long way to keeping your home safe.
6. Hire a House SitterAsk a trusted neighbor or friend to visit or stay in your home while you are away. If a thief watching your rental sees people going in and out, he’ll think someone is home and move on to an easier target.
7. Beef Up SecurityIf you don’t have an alarm installed there are some cheaper, temporary alternatives you can use while you’re on vacation. Wireless alarms and sensors can be attached to doors and windows. If a door or window is opened, an alarm will sound. If you want an even cheaper option, buy a set of window decals and yard signs from an alarm company. Even if you don’t actually have an alarm, thieves might not bother to test it.
8. Hold Off on Social Media until After your VacationThese days, there is no easier way to track someone's actions than on Social Media. Save your posts about the awesome trip you have planned or pictures from your vacation until after you have safely returned. If you notify thieves that you aren't at home, chances are they will take advantage of the situation.
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