Hello September!
"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall." -The Great Gatsby
Now is a great time to reevaluate your goals from January and get a fresh start!
1. Keep up the fitness goals!
At the top of almost everyone's New Year's resolutions was to get fit. With Autumn coming up fast, September is a great time to make changes in your workout routine. Trade your outdoor water aerobics for a relaxing indoor yoga class. Keep up your motivation with a change of pace! Eating right goes hand in hand with exercise. Now is the time to recharge your grocery list for the change in season. Meal planning can really help curb the comfort food binges that the cooler weather makes you crave.
2. Learn something new!
With the kids headed back to school, September is also a great month to brush up on a skill or to learn something completely new. Perhaps we have little ones at home asking to help us with their homework (fractions, eek!), and for the life of us we can't remember. It's the perfect time to find out you still got it! Take a class at the community center or watch some educational Youtube videos - it's amazing what you can learn! The holiday season is on its way as well, so when you are learning something new you can turn it into an opportunity to craft costumes for Halloween or even get a head start on some homemade Christmas gifts. Most local craft stores offer sewing classes and craft classes for free.
3. Stay recharged!
By the end of the summer, most of us have used up our vacation time. Taking full advantage of your weekends to soak up the lingering bit of sunshine is the best way to restart yourself for your work week. This is prime time to seek out what is happening in your community, as well as get involved in outreach and programs. Remembering to set aside you time is hugely important to "recharging" yourself. Do small things like taking 5 minutes out of your day for some deep breathing. Even just a short time out for a warm cup of tea. Light stretching and meditation does wonders when it comes to a quick rejuvenation at your desk.
As the season changes around us, fall can bring about a lot of change in ourselves. If we keep our goals in mind and do small things to keep our momentum, there is nothing we can't accomplish!
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